Category: Sunday Gathering

Worship Service

Worship Service

While all of life is an act of worship for the Christian (Romans 12:1–2), the Lord commands Christians to gather regularly together on the Lord’s Day to worship together as the local church (Hebrews 10:24–25).

Holy City Church’s primary expression of worship is our Sunday corporate gathering. Members gather together to fellowship and encourage one another in the gospel, sing unto the Lord, pray, sit under the Word preached, and observe the Lord’s Supper and baptism.

Holy City Church’s corporate worship service typically lasts about 2 hours.



Holy City Church is committed to expositional preaching, capturing the context and authors’ intent in a particular Bible passage so that we might rightly understand and apply Scripture to our lives today.

Holy City’s pastors firmly believe that God’s Word is completely authoritative, without error, and always accomplishes God’s purposes in the world— saving and effecting holiness in the people of God.

While Holy City’s pastors may occasionally preach on life or doctrinal topics, the normal pattern is for the elders to preach through entire books of the Bible, verse-by-verse, showing how the Bible has found its fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

Families & Children

Families & Children

Holy City Church’s desire is for families to worship together because the preaching of God’s Word is for the entire household (Ephesians 5:22–6:4). Our God loves children and wants them to come to Him unhindered (Matthew 19:14). Children of all ages are welcome and expected in our corporate worship gathering because we want them to hear and believe the gospel!

If children become too loud and/or a distraction to others in the service, Holy City offers parents & guardians a live televised feed of the service to both our lobby and our fellowship hall. Both rooms provide parents an opportunity to train their children to sit under the preached Word without the fear or stress of being a disruption in the service.

For nursing mothers, we provide a live televised feed of the service to our private nursing mother’s room, which also has several nursery gliders and a pack-n-play.



Holy City Church is committed to singing theologically-rich and doctrinally-sound spiritual songs that both form and teach the worshiper.

Holy City sings a variety of songs—hymns, Psalms, and contemporary spiritual songs—that lift the hearts and minds of those present in the gathering to the risen Christ.

Our volunteer-led music team incorporates a variety of musical instruments, but the main emphasis in our worship music is always the voices of the gathered saints singing unto the Lord.



Holy City Church’s Sunday gathering seeks to exalt Christ as Savior and King and cultivate true, gospel fellowship between the saints.

Holy City members strive to live as a united family marked by love and genuine friendship. We seek to exhort, encourage, rebuke, and correct one another with the Word so that we might be built up in the gospel and be conformed into the image of Christ.



Scripture commands modesty in dress, while also giving considerable freedom to what Christians may wear during corporate worship.

Holy City Church has a relaxed and casual dress code. On Sunday mornings, there is diversity in dress—some people prefer formal wear (suits/dresses), while others prefer shorts and flip flops.

You may come casual or formal, but either way, come ready to worship our God!